Sunday, November 13 at CFBC- “A Zealous Pursuit of Consistent Holiness of Life”

CFBC has Five Pillars…

  • An All-Encompassing Passion for the Glory of God
  • The Expository Preaching of the Word of God
  • The Zealous Pursuit of Consistent Holiness of Life
  • The Continuous Evangelizing of the Local Community
  • The Global Vision to Proclaim the Gospel to the Nations

Join us this week at the Marriott Maryville Centre off of 40/64 as we exalt the name of our Triune, Holy God and examine what the Scriptures say about the impact of a high view of God on our personal lives and our life as a body of believers.

Sunday, October 23 at CFBC… “Back to Basics”- Part 4

Well, we got a little behind in updating the CFBC Blog…and we are catching up! Thanks for your patience…the CFBC Blogmeister is most appreciative!

Last week, we addressed the Breaking of Bread, with a particular focus on what we believe the Bible teaches (and does not teach) regarding the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.

This week we are focusing on the fourth aspect of the early Church in Acts 2:41-47…the all important dimension of prayer!

Luke tells us in Acts 1:14 that the early Church devoted itself to prayer, and that all-important dimension of church life is once again emphasized  in Acts 2:41-47.

Please join us this Sunday at the Marriott Maryville Centre at 9:30 for worship of our gracious, sovereign and majestic Lord and Saviour!



Sunday, October 9 at CFBC… “Back to Basics Part II- Focus on Fellowship”

Last, week, we turned to Acts 2:41-47 for an overview of essential dynamics of the early church, with a particular emphasis on continuing in the Apostles’ teaching. This week at CFBC, we’ll be looking once more at this wonderful passage, with a particular focus on fellowship.

If you’ve wondered what “a Pentecostal perspective” on fellowship looks like, join us for our service this weekend at the Marriott Maryville Centre at 9:30. Just to give you a hint…look at Leviticus 23:15-22, Deuteronomy 16:9-12 and Acts 2:43-47.

Sunday, October 2 at CFBC… “Back to Basics”

This week, as we gather to worship, we’ll be looking at Acts 2:41-47. The message is entitled “Back to Basics”.

It’s easy to lose focus of what church is all about when we succumb to cultural pressures and definitions.

Sometimes it’s very constructive, albeit challenging, to re-examine the Scriptures to answer the question “What’s church all about?”.

We often hear the expression “Where do you go to church?” That’s a great question as long as we understand that the church is not an address. It’s an assembly of saved sinners gathered in the name of their Saviour.

What’s the pattern for church? What’s important? What’s not?

Come and join us this week as we gather at the Marriott Maryville Centre to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and spend time in the Scriptures. We meet at 9:30.

Sunday, September 25 at CFBC

We are continuing our series “The Master’s Plan for the Church” as we focus on passages of Scripture vital to the health of the local church and its mission.

We’ve been in Matthew 18 for a few weeks now, and last week Pastor Geoff covered Matthew 18:15-20…”Church discipline…what to do when a fellow believer sins”.

This week, we are looking at Matthew 18:21-35, with a sermon titled “Keeping peace with other children…How many times shall I forgive my brother?”

We’d be delighted to have you visit! We meet at the Marriott Maryville Centre each Sunday morning at 9:30.

Sunday, September 18 at CFBC

The weekend is quickly approaching that I’ve been awaiting for quite some time. I’m eager to return and be with the people of CFBC. I will preach from Matthew 18:15-20 and we will have a good time in God’s Word together.

If you want to join us at Queeny Park Saturday night, Sept 17th from 4-6pm for a game of ultimate frisbee & a bible study you are most welcome to come. Email me if you have questions.


Pastor Geoff

“Faith Like a Child” and What’s on the schedule for CFBC?

Christ Fellowship Bible Church meets each Sunday morning at 9:30. We meet at the Marriott Maryville Centre (off of Hwy 40 in West County).

On Sunday September 4 and 11 we looked at Matthew 18:1-14, with a focus on “The Faith of a Child…Parts 1 and 2”.

Pastor Geoff will be preached Sunday September 18 on Matthew 18:15-20…”Church discipline…what to do when a believe sins”.

You can read about Pastor Geoff and his family by referring to the “Our Pastor” page on this blog. Please take a moment and read about Pastor Geoff to become more familiar with him and his family.

We hope you will visit us if you are looking for a church home.

The Church’s “Comfort”

Over the past several weeks, we have been working our way through Matthew 16…looking at The Church’s Confession…Construction…Commission…and Cost.

Recently, we turned to the final verses in Matthew 16 to examine “The Church’s Comfort”.

Why call it The Church’s Comfort? Consider these delightful words from The Heidelberg Catechism…

Question 1.What is thy only comfort in life and death?

Answer: That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ; who, with his precious blood, has fully satisfied for all my sins,  and delivered me from all the power of the devil; and so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation,  and therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, and makes me sincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him.

What gives rise to our “comfort” as Christians? There’s a wonderful, transforming hope associated with the Return of Christ that causes our eyes to shift their focus from the passing attractions of this world to a far, far better place…a place where we eternally behold with glorified bodies the unveiled majesty of Christ.

Thomas Chalmers, a noted Scottish pastor from the late 1700s/early 1800s, preached a message called “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection”. He spoke of what it is that absolutely transforms our lives by re-directing our affections. And those new affections give us a vibrant “comfort”! How we need that comfort in these days and times!

As we turn to Matthew 16:27-28, you will see the wonderful way God instills that comfort in His own children to strengthen and encourage them!

The Church’s “Cost”

Over the past few weeks, we have been going through Matthew 16 in our series on “The Master’s Plan for the Church”. Matthew 16 is really a wonderfully rich passage of Scripture. So, we are patiently working our way along…

So far, we have studied The Church’s Confession (Peter’s confession…”You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”), The Church’s Construction (“…upon this rock I will build my Church”) and The Church’s Commission (keys of the Kingdom and binding & loosing).

We studied The Church’s Cost- Part 1 (the cost to the Saviour)

Last week, we studied The Church’s “Cost”- Part 2 (the cost to the saved). You’ll note that “cost” this week is in quotes because we are saved by grace alone through faith alone…and salvation is a free gift (see Ephesians 2:8,9). But, “free” does not mean “cheap”. We shall carefully examine what our Lord has to say about what it means to “follow Christ”.

If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will visit. We meet at the Marriott Maryville Centre off of Highway 40 (I-64) each Sunday morning at 9:30. See you there!

The Church’s “Commission”

We are continuing our series on The Master’s Plan for the Church at our Sunday morning services (9:30 at Marriott Maryville Centre Drive).

So far, we have looked at The Church’s Confession and The Church’s Construction.

Last week, we focused on Matthew 16:18,19….The Church’s Commission

“18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

Please join us for worship if you are looking for a church home.